DS/50 Chart

Date Numerology
Sum of Divisors
50th Prime
  • G/229
  • Fifty
Event Numerology Patterns
  1. John Wilkes Booth Died (Assassin) - 4/26/1865
  2. Franklin D. Roosevelt Born (32nd President) - 1/30/1882
  3. Adolf Hitler Born (Nazi Party Leader) - 4/20/1889
  4. Herbert Hoover Attempted Assassination (31st President) - 11/19/1928
  5. Franklin D. Roosevelt Attempted Assassination (32nd President) - 2/15/1933
  6. Prohibition Ends - 12/5/1933
  7. Antonin Scalia Born (Supreme Court Justice) - 3/11/1936
  8. Lee Harvey Oswald Born (Assassin) - 10/18/1939
  9. Nick Menza Born (Drummer) - 7/23/1964
  10. (First Unmanned) Test Flight - 2/26/1966
  11. Herbert Hoover Died (31st President) - 10/20/1964
  12. World Trade Center Bombing - 2/26/1993
  13. Barack Obama Inauguration (44th President) - 1/20/2009
  14. Harris County, Texas Shooting - 7/9/2014
  15. Scott Weiland Died (Singer) - 12/3/2015
  16. Murder-suicide Glendale Independents Hight School - 2/12/2016
  17. Nancy Reagan Buried (Former First Lady) - 3/11/2016
  18. Virginia Police Shooting (Training Exercise) - 3/31/2016
  19. Kansas City, Kansas Police Shooting - 5/9/2016
  20. Istanbu Ataturk Airport Bombing - 6/28/2016
  21. Dallas Police Shooting (Robot Bomb) - 7/7/2016
  22. William Peter Blatty Died (Writer and Filmmaker) - 1/12/2017
  23. Man shot Attacker of wounded Trooper - 1/12/2017
  24. Frank Ancona Died (KKK Imperial Wizard) - 2/11/2017
  25. Jenny Santos Falls off WTC Excalator (Substitute Teacher) - 2/11/2017
  26. Fab Melo Died (Boston Celtics NBA) - 2/11/2017
  27. Chavo Classic Died (WWE) - 2/11/2017
  28. Joni Sledge Died (Musical Artist) - 3/10/2017

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