Sum of Divisors
39th Prime
39th Triangular
Event Numerology Patterns780
- Thirty-nine
- Andrew Jackson Born (7th President) - 3/15/1767
- James Madison Proposed 39 amendments on the bill of rights (4th President) - 6/8/1789
- Patrick Kennedy Born (Kennedy Family) - 2/16/1823
- Oregon Established - 2/14/1859
- Jack Ruby Born (Assassin) - 3/25/1911
- Don Rickles Born (Legendary Insult Comic) - 5/8/1926
- Edward "Ted" Kennedy Born (Kennedy Family) - 2/22/1932
- John F. Kennedy Attempted Assassination (35th President) - 12/11/1960
- "Die Hard" (Release Date) - 7/15/1988
- George Bush Sr NWO Announcement (41st President) - 9/11/1990
- Robbie Parker News Speech (Sandy Hook Father) - 12/15/2012
- Ottawa Parliament Hill Shooting - 10/22/2014
- Paris Attack (Started) - 11/13/2015
- La Loche Shooting - 1/22/2016
- Kalamazoo Shooting (Ended) - 2/21/2016
- National Western Complex Shootout - 1/30/2016
- Madison High School Shooting - 2/29/2016
- TI Concert Shooting (Started) - 5/25/2016
- Istanbul, Turkey Nightclub Shooting - 1/1/2017
- Monterrey, Mexico American High School Shooting - 1/18/2017
- Brenda Buttner Died (Fox News TV Host) - 2/20/2017
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