DS/30 Chart

Date Sums
Sum of Divisors
30th Prime
Year Numerology
  • YT/1119
  • YT/1911
Event Numerology Patterns

  1. Julius Caesar Born (Dictator of Rome) - 7/13/100BC
  2. Andrew Jackson Born (7th President) - 3/15/1767
  3. Patrick Kennedy Born (Kennedy Family) - 1/15/1823
  4. Zachary Taylor Died (12th President) - 7/9/1850
  5. Oregon Established - 2/14/1859
  6. Statue of Liberty Accepted - 2/22/1887
  7. Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr Born (US Navy Lieutenant) - 7/25/1915
  8. D-Day (Invasion of Normandy) - 6/6/1944
  9. David Bowie Born (Singer) - 1/8/1947
  10. George H.W. Bush Inauguration - 1/20/1989
  11. George Bush Sr NWO Announcement - 9/11/1990
  12. Khojaly Massacre (Started) - 2/25/1992
  13. Barack Obama Inauguration - 1/20/2009
  14. Harris County, Texas Shooting - 7/9/2014
  15. Scott Weiland Died ('Stone Temple Pilots' Singer) - 12/3/2015
  16. Glendale Independents High School Murder-suicide - 2/12/2016
  17. Nancy Reagan Buried (Former First Lady) - 3/11/2016
  18. Tray Walker Died (Baltimore Ravens NFL) - 3/18/2016
  19. Kansas City, Kansas Police Shooting - 5/9/2016
  20. Dallas Police Shooting (Robot Bomb) - 7/7/2016
  21. William Peter Blatty Died (Writer and Filmmaker) - 1/12/2017
  22. Man shot Attacker of wounded Trooper - 1/12/2017
  23. Frank Ancona Died (KKK Imperial Wizard) - 2/11/2017 
  24. Fab Melo Died (Boston Celtics NBA) - 2/11/2017
  25. Chavo Classic (WWE) - 2/11/2017
  26. Jenny Santos Falls off WTC Escalator (Substitute Teacher) - 2/11/2017
  27. The Russian Bear Died (WWWF) - 2/18/2017
  28. Joni Sledge Died (Musical Artist)

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