DS/48 Chart

Date Numerology
Sum of Divisors
48th Prime
Year Numerology
  • YT/1835
  • YT/1929
Event Numerology Patterns
  1. Andrew Jackson Attempted Assassination (7th President) - 1/30/1835
  2. Statue of Liberty Accepted - 2/22/1887
  3. Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr Born (US Navy Lieutenant) - 7/25/1915
  4. "Die Hard" (Release Date) - 7/15/1988
  5. George H.W. Bush Inauguration (41st President) - 1/20/1989
  6. Khojaly Massacre (Started) - 2/25/1992
  7. Las Vagas Shooting - 6/8/2014
  8. Space-X Rocket Landing - 12/21/2015
  9. 'Lemmy' Kilmister Died (Singer) - 12/28/2015
  10. Patty Duke Died (Actress) - 3/29/2016
  11. Space-X Rocket Landing - 4/8/2016
  12. Sacramento Nazi Stabbing - 6/26/2016
  13. Fort Myers Club Shooting - 7/25/2016
  14. Steven Mcdonald Died (NYPD Officer) - 1/10/2017
  15. Don Edwin Coleman Died (Chicago Cardinals NFL) - 1/30/2017
  16. Michael Mantenuto Died (Disney's 'Miracle' Actor) - 4/27/2017

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