DS/60 Chart

Date Numerology
Sum of Divisors
59th Prime
  • G/281
  • Sixty
Event Numerology Patterns
  1. Bureau of Investigation Established - 7/26/1908
  2. Great Depression Began - 10/29/1929
  3. William Howard Taft Died (27th President) - 3/8/1930
  4. Federal Bureau of Investigation - 3/22/1935
  5. Pearl Harbor Attack - 12/7/1941
  6. Trayvon Martin Shooting - 2/26/2012
  7. Paris Bataclan Theatre Attack (Ended) - 11/14/2015
  8. Chyna Died (American Professional Wresler WWE) - 4/20/2016
  9. Dwayne Washington Died (Brooklyn Nets NBA Star) - 4/20/2016
  10. EgyptAir Flight 804 Disappears/Crash - 5/19/2016
  11. Masaya Nakamura Died (Father of Pac-Man) - 1/22/2017
  12. Andy Marte Died (MLB) - 1/22/2017
  13. Yordano Ventura Died (MLB) - 1/22/2017
  14. Atlanta, GA Greenbriar Mall Shooting 33P/84M - 1/22/2017
  15. David Rockerfeller Died (Bank Owner) - 3/20/2017

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