Date Numerology of #6 Research
Beast Numerology of #15 Connections
Factorization: 3*5
5th Triangular
Sum of Divisors: 1+3+5+15
15th Prime: 47
15th Triangular: 120
Fifteen = 38/65 : 34/124 : 171/390
Year Numerology
- Year Timeline of 1941: 1+9+4+1
15:33:13 = 7/4/2
International Airport Shooting Event: 3 Dead
Ronald Reagan Died: Age: 93
- Calculation: 6+5+04 = 15
- 4
0th President
Heath Ledger Died: Age: 28
- Calculation: 1+2+2+2+0+0+8 = 15
- 'Batman' Actor as 'The Joker'
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Died: Age: 90
- Calculation: 2+5+08 = 15
- A Guru to the 'Beatles'
VIA Train Derailment: 3 Dead, 46 Injured
Trayvon Martin Shooting Event: Age: 17
Bataclan Theatre Attack Ended: 137 Dead
- Coordinates: 48P/2M
Alan Rickman Died: Age: 69
Katie May Died: Age: 34
Antonin Scalia Died: Age: 79
Chyna Died: Age: 46
- Calculation: 4+2+0+2+0+1+6 = 15
- American Professional Wresler WWE
Dwayne 'Pearl' Washington Died: Age: 52
Meek Mill Concert Shooting Event: 2 Dead
Greenbriar Mall Shooting Event: 3 Dead
Masaya Nakamura Died: Age: 91
- Father of Pac-Man
Andy Marte Died: Age: 33
- MLB Player
Alwin Jarreau Died: Age: 76
Twin Blasts Bombing Event: 50 Dead
David Rockerfeller Died: Age: 101
- Calculation: 3+2+0+2+0+1+7 = 15
- Bank Owner
Autumn Snyder Died: Age: 20
- Filmmaker Zack Snyder's Daughter
Vic Damone Died: Age: 89
- Calculation: 2+1+1+2+0+1+8 = 15
- Pop and big band singer, actor, radio, TV presenter
Jim Margraff Died: Age: 58
- Calculation: 1+2+2+0+1+9 = 15
- John Hopkins University football coach
Blake Nordstrom Died: Age: 58
- Co-president of Nordstrom
'Mean Gene' Eugene Arthur Okerlund Died: Age: 76
- WWF Interviewer, announcer, wrestler
Bob Einstein Died: Age: 76
- 'Super Dave' 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' Actor
Daryl Dragon Died: Age: 76
'Captain and Tennille' Musician
Swarm of Locusts at Grand Mosque
Steffan Lewis Died: Age: 34
- Senedd Plaid Cymru assembly member, Welsh politician
John E. 'Jumping Johnny' Wilson Died: Age: 91
- Harlem Globetrotter
Meteorite Strike Event
Wade Wilson Died: Age: 6
- NFL Coach
Jeremy James Hardy Died: Age: 57
- Comedian
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