DS/27 Chart

Date Numerology
Sum of Divisors
27th Prime
27th Triangular
  • G/378 
  • Twenty-seven
Year Numerology
  • YT/1908
  • YT/1989
  • YT/2007
Event Numerology Patterns
  1. James Garfield Assassination (Shot)(20th President) - 7/2/1881
  2. William Howard Taft Attempted Assassination (27th President) - 10/16/1909
  3. Theodore Roosevelt Died (26th President) - 1/6/1919
  4. Jimi Hendrix Born (Singer) - 11/27/1942
  5. Bob Marley Born (Reggae Singer) - 2/6/1945
  6. Lee Harvey Oswald Assassination (Assassin) - 11/24/1963
  7. Rodney King Born (Police Beating Victim) - 4/2/1965
  8. Jack Ruby Died (Assassin) - 1/3/1967
  9. Sydney Bank Robbery - 1/31/1984
  10. Virginia Tech University Shooting - 4/16/2007
  11. Parramatta Shooting - 10/2/2015
  12. David Bowie Died (Singer) - 1/10/2016
  13. Saudi Arabia Suicide Bombing - 7/4/2016
  14. Debora Clayton Died (Orlando Police Officer) - 1/9/2017
  15. Eugene Cernan Died (Fighter Pilot, Last man on the Moon) - 1/16/2017
  16. Playa del Carmen, Mexico BPM Festival Shooting - 1/16/2017
  17. Miami, Florida MLK Day Shooting - 1/16/2017
  18. Don Rickles Died (Legendary Insult Comic) - 4/6/2017

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