DS/61 Chart

Date Numerology
18th Prime
Sum of Divisors
61st Prime
  • G/283
  • Sixty-one
Year Numerology
  • YT/1843
Event Numerology Patterns
  1. James Garfield Born (20th President) - 11/19/1831
  2. Zachary Taylor reportedly consumed copious amounts raw fruit and iced milk during  Fund-raising Event at Washington Monument (12th President) - 7/4/1850
  3. George H.W. Bush Born (41st President) - 6/12/1924
  4. Franklin D. Roosevelt Died (32nd President) - 4/12/1945
  5. Sydney Hostage Crisis (Started) 33P/151M - 12/15/2014
  6. George H.W. Bush Inauguration (41st President) - 1/20/1989
  7. Brussels Airport Bombing - 3/22/2016
  8. Prince Died (Singer) - 4/21/2016
  9. Anton Yelchin Died ('Star Trek' Actor) - 6/19/2016
  10. Donald Trump's GOP Convention Began - 7/18/2016
  11. Lee 'Q' O'Denat Died (Hip Hop Artist) - 1/23/2017
  12. Chuck Barris Died (Producer of 'The Gong Show') - 3/21/2017
  13. Jerry Krause Died (Former Bulls owner) - 3/21/2017
  14. Don Rickles Born (Legendary Insult Comic) - 5/8/1926

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