DS/31 Chart

Date Sums
11th Prime

Sum of Divisors
31st Prime
31st Triangular
  • G/496
  • Thirty-one
Event Numerology Patterns

  1. Abraham Lincoln Born (16th President) - 2/12/1808
  2. Statue of Liberty Completed - 10/28/1883
  3. Vince Lombardi Born (American NFL Coach) - 6/11/1913
  4. "Steamboat Willie" (Release Date) - 11/18/1928
  5. The Texas Tower Sniper - 8/1/1966
  6. Tupac Shakur Born (Rapper) - 6/16/1971
  7. Khojaly Massacre (Ended) - 2/26/1992
  8. Brown's Chicken Massacre - 1/8/1993
  9. Mayerthorpe Tragedy - 3/3/2005
  10. Washington Naval Yard Shooting - 9/16/2013
  11. Michael Brown Shooting - 8/9/2014
  12. Alan Rickman Died (Actor) - 1/14/2016
  13. Antonin Scalia Died (Supreme Court Justice) - 2/13/2016
  14. Kalamazoo Shooting (Started) - 2/20/2016
  15. Donald Trump Inauguration - 1/20/2017
  16. Alwin Jarreau Died (Jazz Singer) - 2/12/2017
  17. Quintin Moses Died (Former Oakland Raiders NFL) - 2/12/2017
  18. Damascus Twin Bombing - 3/11/2017
  19. Chuck Berry Died (A pioneer of Rock and Roll - 3/18/2017

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