DS/37 Chart

Date Numerology
12th Prime
Sum of Divisors
37th Prime
37th Triangular
  • Thirty-seven
Year Numerology
  • YT/1918
  • YT/2017
Event Numerology Patterns
  1. George Washington Born (1st President) - 2/22/1732
  2. James Garfield Assassination (Died)(20th President) - 9/19/1881
  3. Theodore Roosevelt Attempted Assassination (26th President) - 10/14/1912
  4. Martin Luther King Jr Born (Civil Rights Activist Leader) - 1/15/1929
  5. Jim Morrison Born ('The Doors' Singer) - 12/8/1943
  6. Michael Mantenuto Born (Disney's "Miracle" Actor) - 5/13/1981
  7. Harlem Nights Theater Shooting - 11/17/1989
  8. Tray Walker Died (Baltimore Ravens NFL) - 3/18/2016
  9. Japanese Pop Star Stabbing - 5/23/2016
  10. The Russian Bear Died (WWWF) - 2/18/2017
  11. Ron Savage Died (Fox 2 Anchor and Reporter) - 2/25/2017
  12. Bill Paxton Died (Actor) - 2/25/2017
  13. Niel Fingleton ("Game of Thrones" Actor) - 2/25/2017

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