DS/52 Chart

Date Numerology
Sum of Divisors
52nd Prime
  • G/239
  • Fifty-two
Year Numerology

  • YT/1933

Event Numerology Patterns
  1. George Washington Died (1st President) - 12/14/1799
  2. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Born (35th President) - 5/29/1917
  3. Warren Gamaliel Harding Died (29th President) - 8/2/1923
  4. Newsweek Magazine Established - 2/17/1933
  5. Buddy Holly Born - 9/7/1936
  6. John F. Kennedy Assassination (35th President) - 11/22/1963
  7. Edmond Post Office Shooting - 8/20/1986
  8. Columbine High School Massacre - 4/20/1999
  9. Bandaranaike Airport Attack - 7/24/2001
  10. First YouTube video uploaded - 4/23/2005
  11. Boston Marathon Bombing - 4/15/2013
  12. Michael Brown Shooting - 8/9/2014
  13. Christina Grimme Shooting - 6/10/2016
  14. Mary Lee South Died (Tom Cruise's Mother)(Reported) - 2/13/2017
  15. Kim Jong Nam (Half-brother of Kim Jung Un) - 2/13/2017
  16. Autumn Snyder Died (Daughter of Filmmaker Zack Snyder) - 3/12/2017

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